Amana Orange
Plant produces good yields of large 5" beefsteak tomatoes.
Tomatoes turn orange when mature. A heirloom variety from Amana, Iowa.
90 days, Indeterminate certified organic. |
Amish Gold
Beautiful brilliant golden color 1 1/2-2" long, oblong with
pointy end fruit. Flavor and color of Sungold, but denser meatier flesh
good for sauces.80 days |
Arkansas Marvel
Bi-color light yellow to dark orange with redish highlights,
can be up to 3lbs, vary tasty, originated in Arkansas. aprox. 80 days |
Aunt Ginny's Purple
Large 1 to 2 lb deep pink juicy tomato. It has a sweet-tangy rich flavor. Easy to grow.
80 days. Full Sun. This variety is from Indiana . |
Big Beef
Smooth red round tomato. Large, heavy fruit producer. Prize winning flavor. 72 days full sun. |
Big Italian Plum
Long wide plum tomato, deep red color. Intense full flavor great fresh & excellent for sauce, paste or canning. 75 days. |
Big White Pink Stripe
Wonderful tasting, peach colored, white, with pink blushing or
faint stripes. Color varies and so does the shape. Average yields. Will
produce fruit to 1 1/2 lbs. Sweet tropical mild flavor. 85-90 days |
Black Cherry
A large round cherry tomato. Excellent production. With the
sweet smoky, rich flavor of black flavored tomatoes. Abundance
production. They are just beautiful to look at and better to eat. 65
days. |
Black Ethiopian
Plum shaped, sometimes oblong tomato usually weighing around
1/2 pound. Flavor is very good, one of the best of the black varieties.
Plants tend to have a long bearing season. 80 days
Black Krim
Med to large in size 4 to 6”. Has deep mahogany color
with deep green shoulders. Has a wonderful smoky sweet flavor with a
touch of tang. This Russian variety is unique. Easy to grow with large
production. 75 days. |
Black Zebra
Small to Medium in size. Perfectly round with rich full flavor
with hints of smoke and sweetness. Dark red in color with vertical dark
green and mahogany streaks. 85 days. |
Box Car Willie
Large in size. Bright red and orange in color. Very juicy and
firm with a tangy after taste. Abundant producer. Disease and cracking
resistance. Named after country western singer. Box Car Willie 80 days. |
Brandy Wine OTV
Vigorous, sturdy, highly productive plant with huge potato
leaves, huge thick stems. Very uniform fruit size & quality. A
favorite! |
Brandy Wine Suddath's
Large to extra large in size. Pink beefsteak with complex rich sweet flavor. Very juicy and thin skinned. 82 days. |
Brandy Wine Yellow
Fuzzy, potato leafed vines produce large fruits, weighing up
to two pounds. The tomatoes have an excellent flavor and creamy
texture. 90 days |
Caspian Pink
Russian Heirloom Tomato from the Caspian Sea area. Produces medium to large fruits, beefsteak mild and sweet. 80 days |
French variety, prolific producer, excellent flavor, small to medium size fruit, meaty with few
seeds.80 days |
Earl of Edgecomb
Medium sized fruits, good flavor, somewhat seedy. From New Zealand. Lots of fruit per vine. 80 days |
Emormouse Plum
Oblong plum shaped fruits, great for sauses, has rich full flavor, abundant producer, 85 days |
Florida Pink
Large pink fruits, sweet flavor, ribbed shoulders, Plants are very productive. 85 days |
German Johnson
Pink-red fruits, fruits have few seeds, smooth tops, great taste, from Virginia and North Carolina.75 days |
German Red Strawberry
Tomatoes resemble a strawberry in color and shape, delightfully delicious, 85 days |
Giant Paste
Much more juice than avarage paste tomatoes, highly productive
plants, rich flavor, oblong smooth fruits, could be the best paste
tomatoe you will find. 75 days |
Hawaiin Pineapple
Large yellow with red highlights, rich sweet pineapple like flavor, very productive plants. 85 days |
Hill Billy
Large tomatoe from the hills of West Virginia, lite orange with red and pink stripes, mild taste. 85 days |
Julia Child
Deep pink, rich, full bodied, not to sweet flavor, 85 days |
Kelloggs Breakfast
Vibrant orange 1 lb beefsteaks, very good flavor. Quite meaty
with few seeds. Juice has the same bright color as orange juice and is
delicious. 80 days |
Medium sized smooth round red tomatoe, from Hawaii, 75 days |
Lillian's Yellow Heirloom
Probably the most delicious yellow tomatoe you will find, large fruits, few seeds per fruit, 90 days |
Marizol Bratka
Big pink tomatoes, Developed by Joe Bratka, very good taste, fast producer, 75 days |
Marizol Gold
Large bi-color deep orange with red/pink highlights, somewhat flat with ribbed tops. very good flavor, 80 days |
Northern Lights
Bi-color golden orange with pink, sweet flavor, great for sandwiches, 70 days |
Orange Russian 117
Big heart shaped tomatoe, orange with red center, great
flavor, A Jeff Dawson cross between Russian 117 and Georgia Streak, 85
days |
Paul Robeson
One of the top 10 best tasteing heirloom tomatoes, from Russia
named after the famous singer Paul Robeson, black red, very delicious.
75 days |
Light red-pink in color. Medium size. Very meaty with sweet taste. 80 days Indet. |
Power's Heirloom
Pale white yellow, oblong fruit
great flavor, indet. 85 days |
Purple Russian
Small to medium oblong purple red tomatoes, from the Ukraine,
great flavor, good right of the vine, or to make salsa or sauces. 80
days |
Russian 117
Parent of the Orange Russian 117,Large (2 lbs.), oxheart shape
with many doubles, rich acidic tomato flavor, needs narrow cage as
plant is not an aggressive grower., light orange slightly ribbed, 80
days |
Russian Big Roma
2"X4" red paste, sweet juicy flavor
indet. 85days |
San Marzano Redorta
Italy import, long shaped used in Italy for paste, full tomatoe taste, 80 days |
Sandual Moldovan
Beefsteak tomatoefrom the Moldovan region of Europe. Sweet flavor, 80 days |
Sunset's Red Horizon
4 to 6" in size Red heart shaped fruit. Very tomatoey in flavor, indet.70- to 80 days |
Red, oval, flatten, 1 lb to 2 lb. good flavor. Polish variety. indent. |
Aker's Plum
Alicante Red
Amish Paste
Andrew Rahart
Andrew Raharts Jumbo
Arkanas Traveler
Aunt Lucy's Italian Paste
Banana Legs
Berwick German
Brown's Yellow Giant
Buckbee's New 50 Day
Bulgarian Triumph
Burbank Slicing
Caro Rich
Carol Chyeo's Big Paste
Chadwick Cherry
Charlie's Green
Cherokee Chocolate
Cherokee Purple
Costoluto Genovese
Crimson Jack
Dad's Sunset
Ding Wall Scotty
Djena Lee's Golden Girl
Ed's Fat Plum
Erica D'Australie
Estikos Baterma
Eva Purple Ball
Fuzzy Bomb
Garden Peach
German Giant
German Stripe
Giant Belgium
Giant Syrian Heart
Gold Loup
Grandpa's Minnesota
Green Cage
Gregori's Altai
Grosse Cotelee
Half Moon China
Hawaiian Currant
Grace's Laham Pink
Large Pink Bulgarian
Louisiana Pink
Mandrin Cross
Marianna Peace
Marizol Raple
Marizol Red
Marlowe Charleston
Marz Red Green Stripe
Marz Round Green
Missouri Pink Love Apple
Mortage Lifter, Radiator Charlie's
Mortage Lifter Stripe
Mortage lifter Yellow
Nebraska Wedding
New Zealand Pink Pear
Nicholayev Yellow Cherry
Oaxacan Jewel
Old Virginia
Olena Ukranian
Orange Banana
Orange Beefsteak
Orange Plum/Roma
Orange Strawberry
Oregon Spring
Ozark Pink
Painted Ukrainian
Pale Perfect Purple
Paragon Livingston
Peche Juane
Pegs Round Orange
Pink Lemon
Pink Monserrat
Pink Ponderosa
Pixie Striped
Polish Ecket
Purple Calabash
Reinhard's Goldkir
San Marano Redorta
Sandul Moldvan
Santana Red
Sheng Huang
Shwarze Sarah
Snow White
Speckled Peach
Super San Manzano
Ukrainian Heart
Ukrainian Pear
Ultimate Giant
White Rabbit
Wisconsin Red
Wolford's Wonder
Yasha Yukoslavian
Yellow Brimmer
Yellow Gooseberry
Yellow Marble
Yellow Ruffled
Yellow Single Red Stripe/Pale Face
Zapotec Fluted
Zapotec Pleated