Lone Willow Ranch Education

Lone Willow Ranch is CCOF Certified Organic for over 20 years; milk 35 goats and are expanding our cheese making. We have pasture chickens, pigs, tree fruit, herbs, honey bees and dairy goats.  We process our value added products by canning, drying the seasons harvest on our 75 acres. We farm many types of fruits and vegetables along with alfalfa and wheat hay, corn, beans and other grains. We combine and process our own seed.  We are located in the Central San Joaquin Valley. The spring and fall are mild, the summer is hot, and the winters are foggy. Our goats are pastured for most of the year next to the San Joaquin River where we have a beautiful bio- diversity of wildlife, bird life and insectaries abound.  We like to say, "Farming is not a job, it’s a life style."Will harvesting wheat

Internship Description

Interns will be involved in every aspect of running a small farm and goat dairy. They will have hands on experience with animal husbandry, growing and administrating herbal remedies, milking and making cheese.  They will learn how to plant and grow a vast array of fresh produce, from planting the seeds to making the seed with everything in the middle. The opportunities are endless for a well-motivated individual.

Educational Opportunities

Same as above but to add they will be invited to sit in the CCOF chapter meetings, take day trips to study bug biology, participate in eco-farm day, and a few slow food events.

Work Experience/ Skills Desired

Intern should have some knowledge of working on a ranch. We have long days that start early in the morning and can run into dusk.  The applicants need to be organized, respectful and clean, in good physical and mental shape and can lift 50 lbs. A good sense of humor and passion for life is also needed. We want only individuals that have compassion and care for our environment.  Expect to work 50 hrs per week. No Smokers.


Plenty of fruits and vegetables, eggs, goat milk, goat cheese, beans, pork meat, herbs and farm preserved canned foods  at no cost. Interns will have to cook and clean for themselves.


Room & Board plus small stipend.


Interns will share house  together and have their own bedrooms with a common living room, washer dryer, large kitchen, office with internet.